Τι είναι το Intermediate?

Το Intermediate είναι επιπέδου Β1 στο Common European Framework of Reference και επιπέδου Entry Level 3 qualification στο UK National Qualification Framework. Πέραν από την εξέταση των 4 skills (Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking) το επίπεδο εξετάζει:

  • Reported speech
  • The third conditional
  • The past perfect
  • Certain gerund expressions
  • To have something done
  • Conjunctions and connectives
  • Variation in word order
  • More phrasal verbs

Τι πρέπει να κάνει ο υποψήφιος στην εξέταση Intermediate (B1)

  • a composition
  • an informal message
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Matching through labelling
  • Gap fill
  • Sentence transformation
  • Word transformation
  • Rearrange word order
  • True/false/doesn’t say statements

Αποκτώντας το επίπεδο Intermediate (B1), ο υποψήφιος μπορεί με επιτυχία να:

  • γράφει με συνάφεια και με οργανωμένη δομή κείμενα περιγραφικά, αφήγηματικά ή κείμενα φαντασίας
  • μπορεί να διαβάσει και να κατανοήσει κείμενα
  • να ξεχωρίζει και να χρησιμοποιεί γραμματικούς χρόνους: Παρελθοντικούς, Χρόνους για το παρόν και μελλοντικούς.
  • Να ρωτά και να απαντά ερωτήσεις σχετικά με γεγονότα που έχουν συμβεί στο παρελθόν, συμβαίνουν τώρα ή θα συμβούν στο μέλλον.
  • Να εκφράζει πρόθεση, σκοπό, υποχρέωση, προτίμηση, συμβουλή, διαδικασία συμφωνίας και ασυμφωνίας και υπόθεσης, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της λύπης και της συνέπειας
  • Να επαναλαμβάνει μηνύματα, να δίνει πληροφορίες και να ελέγχει τα γεγονότα.


Grammar and Structures List

Reported speechRepeating messages
Passing on information
Telling stories, jokes
Checking facts
“What is the height of the Empire State Building?”
He wanted to know what the height of the Empire State Building was.
“Did you phone your parents?” said Jane.
Jane asked us if we had phoned our parents.
The third conditional –
if/past perfect tense + would have/non finite verb
Expressing regret
Describing a past that never was
Talking through the consequences of our actions
They would have gone to the concert if they had had tickets.
If he had known, he would have finished earlier.
Past Perfectordering the pastas in reported speech and 3rd conditional above
The gerund  – after certain prepositions in certain idiomatic expressionsAfter leaving work, he went to the gym.
It’s no use talking to him.
Is it worth doing?
To have something doneExpressing the fact that the speaker commissioned an activityJohn had his house painted.
Conjunctions of reason and purpose, cause and result, concession As connectives – and, but, nevertheless, or, howeverTalking about why people do things, the purpose of something, its cause, expressing surprise
Expressing connections in a sentence, text or argument
She goes to the gym in order to keep fit.
There is a lack of water as a result of the hot weather.
Despite/in spite of his wealth, he wasn’t happy.
Changes in word order in specific situationsExpressing information accuratelyTo the north is…

Ένα καλό παράδειγμα έκθεσης σε αυτό το επίπεδο είναι:

“From the moment I saw her I knew we would be friends.”

Continue the story.

From the moment I saw her I knew we would be friends. She was the tallest girl in my class. It was the first school day and I was really excited. I was sitting on my desk and watching her. She was smiling and her white teeth were shining like diamonds. Her blue eyes were like the bright September sky. She was wearing an yellow hat on her thick brown hair. Her clothes were very nice. She was a wearing black striped skirt and an orange T-shirt with flowers.
When I said ‘Hello’ I understood that she was a very kind person. We started to talk about different things and we sat on next door desks. This was the beginning of our friendship. Now we’re best friends and we love spending our free time together. We really enjoy going for a walk in the nearest park, or having a party in her house. We love rollerblading in hot summer evenings, or going to the local swimming pool. We’re all the time together.
All my life I had been looking for a best friend, and now I’m really happy because I found her!

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